Monday, May 30, 2011

Major milestone: Update day 11

Wow, I feel almost like a new person.  I haven't had a regular sleep schedule since I was 15 or so, and I've been having trouble falling asleep & at times pretty awful insomnia for about ten years.  Well last night, I went to bed at 10 PM, and I think I must have been asleep within 10 minutes!!  I don't think I have once fallen asleep so quickly in 8 years (outside of when I've stayed up till 3 in the morning or pulled an all-nighte the night before).  It feels amazing. 

What's the difference?  I started working with a psychologist, and I think having that support & help in planning good goals has helped hugely. I'm also really focusing on small steps.  Here's my habitspark progress:

Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
Goal 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30
Get out of bed at 6 AM . 1 2 ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
First thing in morning exercise 20 min+ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Second thing is to get started work 5 min+ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Nighttime routine starting at 8 PM

1 2 3

However, I'm foresee a potential problem today and tomorrow.  I have a big project due & won't be able to work on it tomorrow.  But today is a holiday, I don't feel like working on it, and I'm having trouble getting started.  However, if I don't get started soon I'm going to have to stay up late to work on it...


  1. Small steps are the best....its the only way I ever got anything really accomplished in my life. SLEEP is the best,too. Without a good nights sleep each day is grueling. So glad you'er keeping a journal. I got one,too, but haven't started writing in it,yet. :( My problem is cancer. Healthy foods are keeping my blood levels within normal limits. Whatever the need, the baby steps will get us to our goals .Please don't stop, your journey is helping me,too..sweet dreams

  2. I love your comment about small steps. My sister and I emphasize that in all our fitness writings (industry & consumer), as that is the only way to get to your goal. You seem really determined from the posts I've read here. Congrats.
    And I hate pull-ups too, even though I teach them! Alexandra
