Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Progress, Day 5

Well, I had a bit of trouble with my goals these past couple of days. 

Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
Goal 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24
Get out of bed at 6 AM . 1 2 ! 1
Get in bed, lights out, by 10 PM 1 2 ! !
First thing in morning exercise 20 min+ . 1 2 3 4
Second thing is to get started work 5 min+ . 1 2 3 4

 I stayed up way too late on Sunday night and then had insomnia to boot.  So I let myself sleep in an extra hour.  I didn't have time to exercise before a left for work, so I was starting to feel pretty down on myself.  But then I realized, I could exercise at work. The first chance I had, I went for a walk and stretched.  I'm very proud of myself for not giving up even though I was tired and had made some bad choices.  I stayed up too late again last night, but I got up right at 6 and started my exercise.


  1. Good girl! Sometimes a bad choice can still equal a good out come. You may have made a mistake, but you redeemed yourself by exercising @ work the next day. Keep up the good work!

  2. The important part is that you didn't let one misstep derail your entire day. Keep at it!

  3. Thats the best part of diet & lifestyle change..being able to set up the days activities to fit YOUR world. You needed the sleep, so important, so you made up for it in other ways. No two sunrises are the same, so no two days should be the same. Your goal is to try and you are reaching those goals! Keep it up!
